Twenty-two-year-old Boston native Andele Lara started off as a Rihanna impersonator of sorts — her almost uncanny resemblance to the ...
Her Rihanna face has also led to a couple dollar signs — Andele has earned over $20,000 in clothing contracts in the last year.
The likeness has also led to endorsements and sponsorships and some odd and awkward nights out.
The moment I step out anywhere, everyone starts staring and whispering before I get bombarded by strangers asking to take their photo with me. This happens every day — It doesn’t matter what I do. I can’t go twenty-four hours without hearing Rihanna’s name.Surprised Brown didn’t walk up and slap her for old time’s sake.
I was at a club in Boston and Chris Brown was there. Because he was there, I guess everyone assumed I was Rihanna! I was casually walking around and all these star-struck people were holding their hand to their hearts backing away from me and staring.
I see the Rihanna resemblance. In some photos she’s even got a little Rita Ora going. But here’s my question – is Andele possibly even hotter than Rihanna? Check out her pics and make the call.